Thursday, October 16, 2008

Marinkovic's Sister in Trouble?

Tatiana Marinkovic is apparently in trouble for falsifying tax documents, according to El Deber. The opposition will undoubtably claim that the Morales administration is on a vendetta against the the Marinkovic family (Tatiana's brother, Branko, is the wealthy landowner who heads the Pro-Santa Cruz Committee, which is adamently opposed to Morales and his reforms). Should be an interesting drama to follow.

Marinkovic sostuvo que con la orden de detenciĆ³n hacia su hermana y la citaciĆ³n hacia su persona el Gobierno busca que interrumpa su gira internacional en la que denuncia a distintos organismos los atropellos realizados por el Evo Morales.

[Quick and sloppy translation: Marinkovic sustained that the detention order against his sister and the citation were because the government is searching for ways to interrupt his international tour denouncing certain organizations of abuses by Evo Morales. (Ed. note: Which, as I've said before, is a load of crap.)]

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